The 3 Main Objectives of Advertising: A Comprehensive Guide

Advertising is an effective way to introduce a new product or service to your target audience. It can also be used to raise awareness of brands, products, services, and ideas. According to the AIDA model, the most important job of advertising is to attract attention, which is nothing more than raising awareness. Advertising should capture people's attention and make them aware of the products or their characteristics on the market.

These goals vary depending on the type of business you run, the distribution channels available, and your overall marketing strategy. The key to all advertising is to attract the right buyers or, at the very least, attract potential buyers to see them more closely. Of all the goals of advertising, there are three main advertising goals that can help drive each company to greater success. These include informing customers about the attributes and uses of a product, positioning a brand in the customer's mind, and creating or enhancing goodwill for a company. A great example of informing customers about a product is the way Apple starts announcing its new iPhone model months before the actual presentation. Apple often publishes ads on television and social media that show glimpses of the new iPhone's features without giving it all away.

One researcher took the 200 most praised ads from around the world during 1992 and 1993 to see if sales, market share or brand awareness had increased. Overall, it found that 80 percent of ads were successful using one of those measures. However, it should be noted with caution that most of the data in the study comes from the advertising agencies themselves. Similarly, there is increased public mistrust in both entertainment and news media, media that receive billions of dollars in advertising each year. Parents are very concerned about sex and violence on television and in movies.

An alarming 70 percent of the public think that those who control the television industry do not share their moral values. And 63 percent said that the media's desire to make a profit often inadequately influences the news. In media planning, rather than frequency; opportunities to see (OTS) are commonly used. Opportunities to see refers to the cumulative exposure achieved over a period of time determined by the target audience eg,. Short-term goals are also set by setting the goal of increasing sales by 20% within a year in a district.

The objective is determined by taking note of the community, social class, etc. The objectives are the broadest framework of objectives; the objectives are for a short period and the objectives are classification and consumer behavior. For example, the purchase of a fan can be stimulated in the winter season with an offer of a 20 percent discount on the price. Advertising campaigns are developed to introduce and support other marketing programs. An ad can advertise the facilities available for sales promotion and advertising.

Ads may aim to increase the level of knowledge from X percent to Y percent. They can improve the favorable attitude towards a brand by one point on a scale of 1 to 7.Can improve usage from X units to Y units per year. They can generate an X number of inquiries or an X number of steps for a retailer. In terms of exposures, ads can aim to reach X percent of the target audience at least once in a quarter of a year and 7 percent at least four times. The overall purpose of advertising is to communicate about the product and service to potential customers with an aim to generate profits for the firm. Colley, as envisaged in the DAGMAR model, advertising objectives involve a communication task that can be measured in terms of awareness, understanding, conviction and action.

Advertising goals must be set correctly within marketing objectives to develop a coordinated effort to fulfill an organization's mission. However, in most cases, maintaining high brand awareness is usually one of marketers' main reasons for using advertising. The effects of communication are more operational in developing an advertising strategy than simply assigning vague communication objectives. Amongst these objectives is correctly positioning a brand in customers' minds. Without an effective advertising message it is impossible for a company to succeed and achieve its goals. Another objective is informing consumers and users about changes in quality, packaging design, size, brand, price weight packaging etc.

Large-scale advertising is often carried out with an aim to create or enhance goodwill for an advertising company. In short, choice of advertising target should not be arbitrary but should be based on thorough analysis of current market situation. However if campaign is inadequate or audience not targeted correctly then advertising may fail in its objective. The government can insist on many other publicity targets depending on socio-economic conditions of country not only for commercial purposes but also for political social and economic reform of nation. In short these are various types of advertising that go hand in hand with advertising objectives. If objective not correctly conceived and strategies not adopted scientifically then subject matter achievement cannot be measured with certainty. Objectives often oversimplified or purpose supposed to be “selling merchandise”.

Patti Goldenman
Patti Goldenman

General bacon lover. Hipster-friendly travel guru. Proud bacon ninja. Incurable zombie trailblazer. Professional bacon fanatic.

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